Friday, 27 May 2011

Cara bagi yg bermasalah sign out blog..

Sebelum ni ejulz ada masalah nak sign out blog.. dah macam2 bantuan yg ejulz carik.. x dpt2 jugak.. hampir2 nak mintak bantuan polis.. heHe.. akhirnya ejulz mintak bantuan Cik Google si cantik manis..

Sini ejulz nak kongsi kpd korang yg ada masalah yg sama dgn ejulz..

1) Make sure you are running the latest version of your browser, if not, upgraded it.

2) Make sure you REALLY have cleared both your COOKIES and CACHE

3) Once Cleared shut down the browser

4) Then Open it again and CHeck that the Cookies and Cache are indeed Empty. This is very important. The problem seems to be with corrupt cookies and cache files

5) If that is OK try going to . Don't login yet, press CTRL-F5 and then try logging in again

6) If that still does not work try logging into Gmail first and then go to  and try again

7) If that does not work try going to this address

8) If that does not work try going to  

9) If all those fail, try installing another browser to see if that works eg Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc

p/s: sambil layan cerita Kashaf Imani di Astro Ria.. sedih.. best gak layan cite sedih camni sorang2.. baru feel.. heHe. nak tisu!! huHu


  1. eh , aritu pon taleh jgk nk sign out . last2 off trus lappy . hahaha

  2. nawal addina : lepas off laptop trus dpt ke? ejulz berapa kali on off laptop xleh jugak.. baru tadi dpt clear cookies..

  3. oh, nasib baik sy okay je stakat ni..

  4. xpernah plak alami. Tapi bgus gak tips nie.kot2 kalau jdi..leh apply kn.HEE

  5. Munirah : ok la tu.. minta2 xkan jadi kat blog munirah.. :)

  6. ain nadzirah : tu la psal.. mintak2 x jd pada blog ain.. kadang2 perkara remeh camni la buat xde smngt lagi nak berblog.. heHe

  7. Kasyaf Imani.. best drama tu.. hoho...~

  8. izaLis™ : ala2 cita omputih.. ape nama cita omputih tu.. dah lupa.. heHE

  9. membaca seluruh blog, cukup bagus


PEMENANG Giveaway by Ejulz 2024

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